US must stand with Israel

US must stand with Israel

Given the turmoil in the Middle East lately, many have asked why President Obama and his administration haven’t provided more public support to Israel as they face further assault from Hamas. While the President attempts to play it “both ways” and burry his personal distrust of Israel (evidenced by countless practices of his administration over the last four years), America is losing more and more credibility with one of our last remaining allies in the region.

While Obama has put out short statements saying the U.S. “stands” by Israel, these have come with little meaning as Hamas rockets reign terror on Jewish families with little to no warning. Make no mistake, this chapter of fighting was brought on by Hamas but will be finished by Israel – with or without or help. It is in our best interests to assist in this critical outcome.

President Obama needs to find a balance between verbal support for Israel and physical assistance in the region. We need not necessarily devote military resources, but we should also not be behind every single temporary and weak peace agreement. A two-state solution should be the ultimate goal, even if it means Palestinians enter that agreement kicking and screaming.

In the mid-1900’s, Palestine had the opportunity to agree to a two-state solution to live peaceably next to Israelis and they turned their backs on it.

The U.S. plays a vital role in support of Israel as many of our secondary allies across Europe follow our lead on policy towards the region. We should fully stand with Israel, not partially, not just on paper, and not just for the sake of earning Jewish support here in the homeland.


Last summer, the DNC changed its Party’s platform stance on Israel in a significant way after behind-the-scenes pressure from the White House. The Democrats no longer refer to Hamas as a terrorist group, no longer call for an undevided Jerusalem (Israel’s capital), and no longer call for a future Palestinian state (as part of a two-state solution). All of these things existed in the 2008 platform.

The U.S. ought to stand for a free and secure Israel because our two nations share unique parallels. We’ve both been safe havens for followers of Christ in an otherwise hostile world, especially Judaism. Like America, Israel is a land of immigrants. Second, Israel is the only functioning democracy in the Middle-East and our long-standing friendship calls for continued support. To treat Palestine and Israel the same (as this President has done), is to appease terrorism. Israel has not attempted expansionism in any form, they’re simply guarding the territory given to them by higher authority in the early 20th century. Palestinians have rejected a nation of their own on several occasions because they don’t wish to just have their own home, they wish to remove Israel entirely from the region. Israelis are not fighting for individual rights in this fighting; they are fighting for sheer existence.

Additionally, the Arab forces that have brought such conflict to Israel will not disappear with temporary cease-fire agreements. They will continue again and again until Israel ceases to exist or the Palestinians are contained to their own dedicated borders.

The U.S., under Obama’s lead, must change its tone towards our strongest and most loyal ally in the Mid-East. Full support requires we recognize Israel for its peaceful agenda and reject the violence and anti-Christian forces of their neighbors.

For many, we’re already way behind in our action. Over the last ten years, 12,000 rockets have been fired from Gaza into Israel, with hundreds over the last couple months alone. If our State Department already classifies Hamas as a terrorist organization, why have we not already acted? Why do some terrorists get a pass?


On campus, in Minnesota, and elsewhere, we need to show Jewish-Americans we stand by their goals and that only one political party truly has the backs of this threatened beacon of hope in a region blanketed in terror.